Wednesday, October 14, 2009

What I Fear Most, Finally Happened...

Went for Medical Appointment on Monday Morning at NUH,

For Bone Scan...

Injured myself back then when i was training for AHM...
This sort of pain has never happened before to me,
So went to see a doc to explain abt the pain on my right shin after my training,
He suspected that it might be a stress Fracture.! ... Fracture??!!! FRACTURE!!!

That's how i reply after hearing that,
he schedule me for X-ray...

But normal X-ray can't diagnose 'Stress Fracture'.
So he schedule me for a Bone Scan at NUH.

Bone Scan is totally different from X-ray, firstly you will have to take a injection.
YES! Injection!!!

Hahaha... until now there's a hole on my arm.
The Doc inject some nuclear particles inside my arm,
Than slowly you can see those nuclear particles running through yr body on the Monitor.

Quite amazing... like tiny little ants running round yr body,
slowly slowly, it reaches my legs..


The moment it reaches my right shin, the doc straight away pointed to me,
there's a fracture on my right shin..

What i fear most, finally happened...


It's like taking away something important from me,
From the battalion fastest runner till nobody.. =P
Just hope it recover faster...!!! Pls....!

Despite that, i completed AHM with my leg fracture..!
Imagine running 21km with a fracture leg, WtF~

Lesson learnt: Train hard, play hard, but remember to carter some time to let your body rest also..
Even you are not feeling tired, your body need time to rest and recuperate. =)

Same goes to yr EYES @@
Don't stress yr eyes too long in front of computer.

Even you are not feeling tired,
Your eyes may feel tired... =)

Need to drink more MILK!!!!
Help my leg bone recover faster!!! =)

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